Family Law Barristers Brisbane

Many family law barristers in Brisbane appear in the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia in both property and parenting matters.  It is important to choose a family law barrister who is knowledgeable in the field of family law to achieve an outcome that is just and equitable in family law property matters and in the best interests of children in family law parenting matters.

Parenting Matters

A family law barrister can appear for you in court in Brisbane before the Judges and Justices of the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court.  A parenting matter in the family court and federal circuit court involves determining what court orders are necessary to achieve the best interests of children.  It is important to engage a family law barrister who is prepared to do all that is necessary to seek to persuade the court that the orders that you seek are indeed in the best interest of the children. 

Some of the complex matters that are often dealt with in a parenting matter are:

  • Allegations of sexual abuse
  • Allegations of physical abuse
  • Allegations of drug use
  • Parental alienation
  • Parenting Capacity and Neglect

A complex parenting matter is generally held in the family court whilst less complex matters are heard in the federal circuit court.   A parenting matter can involve extensive cross-examination of witnesses and experts and a family law barrister is experienced in this area of the law and who is confident appearing for you to pursue all lines of questioning relevant to your case.  With this expertise in cross-examination and presentation of your case the court will be informed of the important facts of the case.

Property Matters

A good family law barrister will be familiar with appearing in property matters in the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia.  It is ideal if they have knowledge of financial matters, including;

  • Taxation returns
  • Trusts
  • Superannuation
  • Auditing bank statements
  • Locating missing money
  • All other financial issues

A barrister will aim to reveal the true financial affairs between the parties and how each party contributed to the asset pool of the relationship.  The orders that you seek in relation to a property matter must be proven to be just and equitable.  This means persuading the court for a just and equitable division of the property in your favour.

It is essential that a family law barrister be able to reveal hidden transactions and the true financial situation of the parties.  That can sometimes require extensive cross-examination of witnesses, valuers, and the tendering of documents to be taken into consideration by the Judge or Justice hearing the matter.

Choosing the Right Family Law Barrister in Brisbane

Choosing the right family law barrister in Brisbane requires choosing one with the proven expertise in both parenting and property matters to help you achieve the best possible result that the justice of the court can provide.

Leigh Finch is a Barrister admitted into the Supreme Court of NSW and regularly appears in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia in family law matters.   Leigh Finch accepts direct access briefs in family law proceedings. Leigh also appears as a defence Barrister in criminal law proceedings having appeared in jury trials. Leigh's practice also encompasses civil matters and human rights proceedings.

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