Direct Access Barrister

A Barrister can accept a direct access brief from a client to appear at court without the need to engage a solicitor.  A direct access brief enables a client to deal directly with a barrister to:

  • Prepare court documents
  • Prepare for court
  • Appear at court

The costs to engage a barrister on direct access can often result in the cost of your legal proceedings being much cheaper than engaging both a solicitor and a barrister.

There are many advantages of engaging a barrister on direct access brief.


A barrister may accept a direct access brief if the fee is acceptable.  A barrister is required to provide a costs agreement setting out the estimated costs of appearing on your behalf.  If there is agreement then it can end up in the overall costs being much more cost effective than engaging both a solicitor and a barrister.


If a barrister is engaged directly it can result in the barrister being much more familiar with the matter.  Usually a barrister is engaged shortly before a final hearing.  However if a barrister is engaged on direct access early in the proceedings, and ideally from the very beginning, then the barrister can become more familiar with every aspect of your case.


A barrister can advise on how to properly prepare for your case and leave no stone unturned.  This can mean advising on what evidence to obtain to effectively argue your case in court.  A barrister may advise that you obtain such evidence as follows;

  • Court transcripts
  • Subpoena documents
  • Bank statements
  • Text messages
  • Emails
  • Any other relevant document


A barrister is able to directly communicate with you when you engage them directly.  This can give you peace of mind that your concerns are being listened to and that your case is presented in court in a way that you are happy with.  This can ultimately result in a much better outcome for you at court.

Leigh Finch is a Barrister admitted into the Supreme Court of NSW and regularly appears in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia in family law matters.   Leigh Finch accepts direct access briefs in family law proceedings. Leigh also appears as a defence Barrister in criminal law proceedings having appeared in jury trials. Leigh's practice also encompasses civil matters and human rights proceedings.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professionals Standards Legislation

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